Brief treatment protocols for PTSD have been used successfully in military PC clinics, but these results are not necessarily generalizable to other patient populations. Therefore, this case study will fill a significant gap in the literature by testing a brief nonpharmacological PTSD treatment protocol (Prolonged Exposure Primary Care/PE-PC; 5 visits; Cigrang et al., 2017) in primary care within the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) consultation model.
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Author(s) : Stacy Ogbeide, PsyD, MS ABPP, Daisy Ceja...
Keywords : Conference, Evidence-based, intervention...
Continuing Education : NA
Objective 1: : Understand the importance clinical pathw...
Objective 2: : Describe how distrust of the healthcare ...
Objective 3: : Describe the features of the PE-PC PTSD ...
Level of Evidence : Yellow