Clinical Intervention

Treating Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (NM)

Brief treatment protocols for PTSD have been used successfully in military PC clinics, but these results are not necessarily generalizable to other patient populations. Therefore, this case study will fill a significant gap in the literature by testing a brief nonpharmacological PTSD treatment protocol (Prolonged Exposure Primary Care/PE-PC; 5 visits; Cigrang et al., 2017) in primary care within the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) consultation model.

Author(s): Stacy Ogbeide, PsyD, MS ABPP, Daisy Ceja... Keywords: Conference, Evidence-based, intervention... Continuing Education: NA Objective 1:: Understand the importance clinical pathw... Objective 2:: Describe how distrust of the healthcare ... Objective 3:: Describe the features of the PE-PC PTSD ... Level of Evidence: Yellow

  • Treating Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Treating Post-traumatic Stress Disorder-Test
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed