Health Equity

How Integrated Care Addresses Mental Health Disparities in Latinx Primary Care Patients (NM)

Research consistently shows ethnic, racial, and cultural minorities experience disparities in behavioral health care utilization and quality of care, even when controlling for differences in prevalence rates of mental health difficulties. Integrating psychologists into primary healthcare teams can ameliorate many of these barriers and holds promise as a way of reducing disparities for underserved patients. In this presentation, the author begins by describing a conceptual model of help seeking. Then, review research evaluating the benefits of integrated behavioral health services for reducing barriers to treatment access and improving behavioral health equity, focusing primarily on studies my lab has conducted with a largely Latinx, immigrant, and socioeconomically disadvantaged group of patients. Concluded with a set of recommendations for program developers in primary care clinics who want to improve treatment access and quality of care for underserved populations.

Author(s): Ana J. Bridges Keywords: Latinx, Health Equity Continuing Education: NA Objective 1:: Describe a conceptual model of behaviora... Objective 2:: Review research evaluating the promise o... Objective 3:: Provide recommendations fro the design o... Level of Evidence: Green

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